I guess I took a sort of unanticipated blogging break...oops. Since I last posted, I have:
1. Applied and subsequently been accepted to college
2. Learned how to play the ukulele
3. Cut my own bangs, twice.
4. Bought the PERFECT black blazer
5. Inherited a ring shaped like a whale, and
6. Turned 18!
Tomorrow, I am going to move my bed into my closet and my clothes into my room. First things first, people.
The weather right now is what one would expect from January in Seattle. I've become somewhat inured to the omnipresent, low-hanging greyness and constant need for an umbrella, but my favorite feeling during these long winter months is
cozy. I love feeling safe and warm and snug; I've become somewhat of an expert.
This is what I'm all about right now: