I've got the itch to do something CRAZY to my hair. I always get stuck in these hair ruts...I'll do something drastic, and then get stuck with that routine for a year. First there was my colored streak (first blue, then purple, then gross faded coral orange, now blonde and partially grown out). Then came my blunt bangs, which I adore but have had for almost a year. The way I see it, my options right now are these: dye it or cut it.
First, the dye. Apart from my colored streak experiment, I've never dyed my hair. I'm still a little leery about dying my whole head, partially because of the commitment and partially for practical reasons: I have tons of hair (expensive to dye) and the upkeep would be murder. So I've been thinking about the less-is-more approach to hair color that has completely permeated the fashion industry of late. After much combing of
Into the Gloss and
Garance Dore, I've narrowed it down to these choices:

Even though my favorite beauty blog,
Primped, has declared balayage O-U-T, I just think it looks so beautiful in the summer!

Part of me really doesn't want to jump on this bandwagon, but when done right, dip dyes just look SO COOL. Wouldn't it be great for summer? An extreme blonde one (like the woman on the right) with some blue creeping in at the ends? Very mermaid-like, at any rate.

Like I said, this is probably never going to happen, but there is something so alluringly drastic about the thought of dying my hair Taylor Tomasi-style red...
Next, there is the option of not saturating my scalp with toxic chemicals and instead just getting a different haircut. I'm quite attached to my mid-torso-length hair, but recently I've noticed that it may be toeing that dangerous line between "princess mermaid" and "scraggly bag-lady." Despite my love of long hair in summer, it might be time for a change...

This is basically my haircut minus eight inches. Sleek! Maybe a little too sleek for my tendency to become a dirty hippie in the summertime...

This would allow me to try a different length and dye at the same time! I would so much rather have this sort of shaggy cut than a curvy, French-looking, "traditional" bob.
I'll probably agonize over this for weeks...