inspired by The Poisonwood Bible (Barbara Kingsolver), Half the Sky (Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn), and Three Cups of Tea (Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin)
1. I can take a hot shower whenever I want to, I can eat as much food as I'd like whenever I feel like it, and I am the recipient of a world-class education.
2. My parents have jobs, and we do not have to resort to hard labor, drug-dealing, begging, or prostitution to make ends meet.
3. My house has a roof.
4. I am surrounded by people who love me and support my choices and beliefs.
5. I have never gone hungry.
6. I can marry who I want, when I want, for love.
7. I am living in a culture where women and men are viewed as equals.
8. I am not sick, and possess a healthy, able body.
9. I have clean water to drink.
10. I can afford to put gas in my car, books on my shelf, and volumizer in my hair.
11. My country has a stable, fair, largely uncorrupted governmental system.
12. Neither my boyfriend nor my father would ever dream of hitting me.
13. I have so many pairs of shoes that some are reserved for special occasions and are highly impractical. None of them have holes in the bottom.
14. I have true friends.
15. I can afford to help others, because my needs are met.
16. I am at the top of Maslow's rediculous heirarchy.
Thank you, destiny.