At school I was showered with gifts and cards and cake and general adorableness, and after play practice I went home to a little family celebration with all my favorite things...
We ate some lovely cupcakes...

...and some lovely Thai food...

...and I got presents! I never feel like I need birthday presents, my birthday is so close to Christmas I couldn't possible deserve any more gifts.However (to quote Ron Weasley):"SERIOUSLY good haul this year".
Some of my favorites:
A mini-collection of poetry from my parents...I was expecting the Whitman and Dickinson, but the Roethke was a surprise! He's my mother's favorite poet and she wrote me the sweetest little note inside the front cover.

My best friend gave me, among other things, this beautiful perfume from Benefit! The box is so precious, and looks like a tiny apartment decorated juuust how I want my future living space to look. And it smells like a garden! AND there's a little limerick on the back. "She lives in a dream/More dazzling than fiction, Imaginary yet real/She defies all prediction, An incredible girl/Sofia draws you right in, To where the everyday ends/"And magic begins..." so.cute.

Remember this dress? Just this morning I was wishing I had it to layer the dickens out of, and then this afternoon what should arrive in the mail but a package from the American Apparel near my aunt's house...hmmm...
I am predicting right now that I shall wear it to pieces.

My friends are throwing me a party this weekend, and then the REAL fun can begin. My fingers are crossed it will be a combination of this:


and this.

here's to hoping.
ps: Meggie? The BGLB is the most amazing thing in the world, and you will see it on my eyelashes every day from this day forward. Electronic thank-you note on a public forum? WIN.
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