I find myself gravitating more to this moniker because it seems to best describe the life I aspire to lead (I'm afraid this is turning into another gratuitous, self-involved post, oh well). I love the outdoors, I do yoga, and I hang Tibetan prayer flags on any available surface (and not for show). I'm an obsessive recycler/composter/conservationist. I'm a vegetarian. I disapprove and actively try to counteract our avaricious, consumer-driven society. Am I, therefore, a "hippie"? And if so, is this a good thing? I certainly hope so, because that's who I am. Style-wise, I tend to have a propensity for clothes that translate my philosophies into something tangible...even if it's not at the pinnacle of high fashion. These pictures I've collected reflect visually what I feel internally most of the time:

photos from bluebird vintage and smokeandsassafrass.
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